# imgs imgs is a minimalictic image sharing web app written with Bottle framework. No database. No image compression. No time limits. No additional dependencies. Features: * Upload images via Drag&Drop * Easy copy share link * MIME type detecting See deployment options in Bottle documentation: https://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/deployment.html # Run imgs in Docker Clone repository and edit **imgs.ini**. Build Docker image: ```shell docker build --tag imgs . ``` Run container from image. Replace **/path/to/your/uploads/dir** with path to directory where you want to store images: ```shell docker run -d \ --name imgs \ --publish \ --volume /path/to/your/uploads/dir:/opt/imgs/uploads \ imgs ``` imgs will launched on ``. Set up reverse proxy server. I recommed to use basic authentication to prevent abuses. Nginx virtual host example: ```nginx server { listen 80; server_name yourdomain.tld; root /path/to/imgs/root; location / { auth_basic "Authentication required"; auth_basic_user_file /path/to/.htpasswd; proxy_pass; } location ~* ^/favicon.ico$ { try_files $uri $uri/ =404; } location ~* \..* { auth_basic off; proxy_pass; } } ``` # Additional ## imgs client with CLI imgs has a simple CLI tool based on curl. Copy **imgs** script to your PATH. ```shell sudo cp imgs /usr/bin/imgs ``` ## Nautilus integration Push files to your imgs instance via GNOME Files (former name: Nautilus). Depends on: curl, libnotify (notify-send utility). Just place **Upload to imgs** script into **~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/** directory. ```shell DIR=~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/; mkdir -p $DIR && cp Upload\ to\ imgs $DIR ```